Vaccines for children and young people aged 4 to 18

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Some vaccines are given to children at secondary school. If your child has missed getting a vaccine at school, they can get it at a catch-up clinic in the borough where they go to school.

Children aged 4 – 11 can also get vaccines to protect against polio and measles at a catch-up clinic if they missed having these before starting school.

Babies and pre-school children, and everyone aged 18 or older, can get their vaccines at a GP surgery.

All vaccines are given for free to everyone who needs them.

Find out more about the NHS vaccine schedule for children and young people.

Find out why your child needs to get protected against polio and measles.

What vaccines are available from catch-up clinics?

Vaccines your child may have missed as a baby or pre-schooler:

Vaccines your child may have missed at school:

  • Flu vaccine: every autumn from reception to year 9
  • HPV (protects against human papillomavirus, which can cause cervical cancer and other cancers): catch up from year 8 to year 13 for girls, and from year 8 to year 11 for boys.
  • DTP vaccine (protects against diphtheria, tetanus and polio): catch up from year 9 to year 13
  • Meningitis ACWY: catch up from year 9 to year 13

Children who are home educated can get their vaccines at the same ages as children who go to school.

How to book a vaccination appointment 

Call or email your local vaccination team to book an appointment.

If your child attends school, they must go to a clinic in the same borough as their school. If your child is educated at home, they should go to a clinic in the borough where they live.



  • You can reach the Camden vaccinations team from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Ground Floor, Peckwater Centre, 6 Peckwater Street, NW5 2TX
  • Phone: 020 3317 5076 (Immunisation office) or 020 3317 5074 (Immunisation Nurse)
  • Find out more about catch-up clinics in Camden




Non-urgent advice: Notice

If your child is fully vaccinated, there is no additional booster and your child has received full protection against measles by receiving both vaccinations