- Barnet Hospital and Royal Free Hospital maternity self-referral and Whittington maternity self-referral
- Change Grow Live Barnet for anyone experiencing issues with drugs and alcohol
- Barnet Crisis Team – 24-hour Crisis Telephone Service which you can reach by dialling 0800 151 0023
- Psychology support – Barnet Talking Therapies and self-help therapies advice
- Kooth – emotional and mental health support for children and young people aged between 11 – 24 years
- Farsophone – Farsi counselling, welfare and legal advice
- Home-Start Barnet – emotional and practical support to families
- Barnet Health Visiting service
- CNWL sexual health services, including mental health, domestic abuse and sexual assault information
- Coordinate My Care – create an electronic personalised urgent care plan
- Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk) – provides advice for parents, young people and pregnant women
- When should I worry? Provides information for parents about the management of respiratory tract infections (coughs, colds, sore throats, and ear aches) in children
- What happens when you are referred (PDF) – checklist for when you see a hospital specialist including information about Fit Notes (previously known as Sick Notes) and what happens if you need a test or a procedure
- Your COVID recovery website
- Domestic Abuse Support – Help and support for domestic or sexual abuse
- Continence Service – https://clch.nhs.uk/services/continence-and-stoma